Tutorial Tekim | Kolom Teknik Kimia
Tekim Tutorial | Tutorials About Chemical Engineering
Basic Chemicals
About Chemical Analysis
About Chemical Physics
Organic Chemistry
Applications of Chemistry in The Life

Tekim Tutorial

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About Me

Segala yang diberikan Allah kepada kita merupakan sebuah anugerah. Entah hal tersebut bukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan sekalipun. Namun pasti ada hikmah atas yang Allah berikan kepada kita saat ini. Dan akan membuat kita mensyukuri apa yang diberikan Allah kepada kita.
So, joint with this blog !!!

At the beginning of The Birth of Chemistry

Modern chemistry initiated by the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794). He discovered the law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions, and uncover the role of oxygen in combustion. Based on this principle, advanced chemistry in the right direction.

Oxygen actually discovered independently by two chemists, English chemist Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786), at the end of the 18th century. Thus, only about two hundred years before the birth of modern chemistry. Thus, chemistry is a science is relatively young when compared to physics and mathematics, both have developed several thousand years.

However, alchemy, metallurgy and pharmacy in antiquity can be regarded as the root chemistry. Many discoveries found by people actively involved in these areas contribute greatly to modern chemistry, although alchemy was based on a wrong theory. Furthermore, before the 18th century, metallurgical and pharmaceutical actually based on experience alone and not a theory. So, it seems unlikely these starting points that evolved into modern chemistry. Based on these things and the nature of modern chemistry is well organized and systematic methodology, real roots of modern chemistry may be found in ancient Greek philosophy.

The road from the ancient Greek philosophy to modern atomic theory is not always smooth. In ancient Greece, there is sharp disagreement between the atomic theory and the denial of the existence of atoms. Actually, the atomic theory remains unorthodox in the world of chemistry and science. Educated people are not interested in atomic theory until the 18th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, the English chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) gave birth to the ancient Greek atomic theory re. Even after the rebirth of this, not all scientists accept the theory of atoms. Not until the early 20th century theory of ato, finally proven as fact, not just hypothetical. This is achieved by a skilled trial by the French chemist Jean Baptiste Perrin (1870-1942). So, it took long enough to establish the basis of modern chemistry.

To Be Continue...

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