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About Me

Segala yang diberikan Allah kepada kita merupakan sebuah anugerah. Entah hal tersebut bukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan sekalipun. Namun pasti ada hikmah atas yang Allah berikan kepada kita saat ini. Dan akan membuat kita mensyukuri apa yang diberikan Allah kepada kita.
So, joint with this blog !!!

Dalton's Atomic Theory

At the beginning of the 19th century, the atomic theory of matter as a philosophy has been well developed by Dalton who developed the atomic theory based on the role of atoms in chemical reactions. Atomic theory is summarized as follows:

Dalton's atomic theory:

  1. elementary particles that make up the elements are atoms. All the atoms of certain elements are identical.
  2. the atomic mass of the same type will be identical but different from the atomic mass of elements of other types.
  3. all atoms involved in chemical reactions. Whole atom will form a compound. The type and number of atoms in certain compounds remain.
Theoretical basis of Dalton's theory is mainly based on the law of conservation of mass and comparative law remains. Both have been found previously, and multiple comparisons of law developed by Dalton himself.

  • Certain compounds always contain the same element mass ratio.
  • When two elements A and B form a series of compounds, the mass ratio of B which reacts with a number of A can be reduced to simple integers.
Democritos atoms can be considered as a kind of miniature material. So the number of types of atoms will be equal to the amount of material. On the other hand, Dalton is a constituent atom of matter, and many compounds can be formed by a limited number of atoms. So, there will be a limited number of types of atoms. Dalton's atomic theory of the process requires two or more atoms combine to form matter. This is the reason why the atomic chemistry Dalton called atoms.

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